Challenges to Indian Democracy
India is called the largest democracy in the world. It is democratic because elections take place at regular intervals at different levels.
Democracy is a government of the people, by the people, for the people. A form of government which is run by elected representatives. Democracy is not merely a form of government but has a comprehensive form. Therefore, democracy means, a form of government, a type of state, a pattern of social system, a design of economic order.
Essential Conditions for Democracy
A Democracy becomes genuine and comprehensive only when it fulfils certain conditions.
Political Conditions
- Supreme power in the hands of people
- Provision of Fundamental Rights
- Provision of Universal Adult Franchise
- Free Press and Media
- Active political participation
Social and Economic Conditions
- Equality before the law
- Equality of opportunities
- Social security
- Provision of education for all
Some of the challenges before the democracy in India are illiteracy, poverty, gender discrimination, casteism and communalism, regionalism, corruption, criminalisation of politics and violence.
Literacy is very important for the success of democracy but in India it is still a challenge to remove illiteracy.
The growing population and unemployment is the root cause of poverty which leads to inequality and deprivation of opportunities.
Gender Discrimination
In India, discrimination against women and girls is seen in every walk of life which is against the principle of democracy. Due to discrimination sex ratio has become a cause of concern.
Casteism and Communalism
Indian Democracy is still facing the problems created by casteism and communalism. Politician use the both as an instrument to get votes. Both of these are threat to the unity and peace.
Imbalance in development and feeling of neglect by the citizens of a particular region leads to regionalism which again is a threat to unity and peace.
Dishonesty, bribery, use of casteism and communalism for political gains is corruption. Not only the politicians but the officials of the government are not sincere to the interests of the Nation.