Exponents and Radicals

If a is a rational number, multiplied by itself m times, it is written as am. Here, a is called the base and m is called the exponent.

Exponential Notion: The notation for writing the product of a number by itself several times. For example,

a × a × a × a = a4

Base and Exponent: an = a × a × a (n times). Here, a = base, n = exponent.

Prime factorisation: Any natural number other then1, can be expressed as a product of power of prime numbers.

Laws of Exponents

Positive Integers as Exponents

Law 1: If a is any non-zero rational number and m and n are two positive integers, then

$$ a^m \times a^n = a^{m+n} $$

Law 2: If a is any non-zero rational number and m and n are positive integers (m > n), then

$$ \frac{a^m}{a^n} = a^{m-n} $$

Law 3: When n > m

$$ \frac{a^m}{a^n} = \frac{1}{a^{m-n}} $$

Law 4: If a is any non-zero rational number and m and n are two positive integers, then

$$ (a^{m})^{n} = a^{mn} $$

Law 5 (Zero Exponent): If a is any rational number other than zero

$$ a^{0} = 1 $$

Negative Integers as Exponents

$$ a^{-n} = \frac{1}{a^{n}} $$

Radicals or Surds

$ \sqrt[n]{x} $ is a surd if and only if it is an irrational number and it is a root of the positive rational number. The index n is called the order of the surd and x is called the radicand.

Pure and mixed surd: A surd with rational factor 1 only, other factor being irrational is called pure surd. A surd having rational factor other then 1 along with the irrational factor is called a mixed surd.

Similar or like surds: Two surds are said to be similar if they have same irrational factor.

Comparison of Surds: Change the given surds to surds of the same order, then compare their radicands along with co-efficient.

Laws of Surds

$$ \sqrt[n]{x} \sqrt[n]{y} = \sqrt[n]{xy} $$

$$ \sqrt[n]{x^m} = x^\frac{m}{n} $$