Life Processes (C10)
Basic concept of nutrition, respiration, transport and excretion in plants and animals
Define excretion. Name the basic filtration unit present in the kidney
(a) Define excretion.
(b) Name the basic filtration unit present in the kidney.
(c) Draw excretory system in human beings and label the following organs of excretory system which perform following functions:
(i) form urine
(ii) is a long tube which collects urine from kidney
(iii) store urine until it is passed out
Distinguishing features between autotrophic nutrition and heterotrophic nutrition
List in tabular form three distinguishing features between autotrophic nutrition and heterotrophic nutrition.
Read more …What is translocation
(a) What is translocation ? Why is it essential for plants ?
(b) Where do the substances in plants reach as a result of translocation ?
Read more …What is transpiration? List its two functions
What is transpiration ? List its two functions.
Read more …What is hydrotropism
What is hydrotropism ? Design an experiment to demonstrate this phenomenon.
Read more …Write the mechanism by which fishes breath in water
Write the mechanism by which fishes breath in water.
Read more …Name the balloon likes structures present in lungs
Name the balloon likes structures present in lungs. List its two functions.
Read more …Name the respiratory pigment and write its role in human beings
Name the respiratory pigment and write its role in human beings.
Read more …Explain the ways in which glucose is broken down in absence of oxygen
Explain the ways in which glucose is broken down in absence of oxygen.
Read more …List differences between arteries and veins
List three differences between arteries and veins.
Read more …Name the process and explain the type of nutrition found in green plants
(a) Name the process and explain the type of nutrition found in green plants. List the raw materials required for this process. Give chemical equation for the mentioned process.
(b) Write three events that occur during this process.
Read more …Mention components of blood. Trace the movement of oxygenated blood
(a) Mention any two components of blood.
(b) Trace the movement of oxygenated blood in the body.
(c) Write the function of valves present in between atria and ventricles.
(d) Write one structural difference between the composition of artery and veins.
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