Management of Natural Resources (C10)
Improvements in our lifestyle have resulted in greater amounts of waste generation
"Improvements in our lifestyle have resulted in greater amounts of waste generation." Give two examples to support the given statement. Suggest one change that we can incorporate in our lifestyle in order to reduce non biodegradable waste.
Read more …What do you understand by Watershed Management
What do you understand by "Watershed Management"? List any two advantages of watershed management.
Read more …What is “Sustainable Management of Natural Resources”
What is “Sustainable Management of Natural Resources”? Why is it necessary? Which one out of reuse and recycle, would you practise in your daily life and why?
Read more …What is a dam? Why do we seek to build large dams
What is a dam? Why do we seek to build large dams? While building large dams, which three main problems should particularly be addressed to maintain peace among local people ? Mention them.
Read more …Students in a school listened to the news read in the morning assembly
Students in a school listened to the news read in the morning assembly that the mountain of garbage in Delhi, suddenly exploded and various vehicles got buried under it. Several people were also injured and there was traffic jam all around. In the brain storming session the teacher also discussed this issue and asked the students to find out a solution to the problem of garbage. Finally they arrived at two main points - one is self management of the garbage we produce and the second is to generate less garbage at individual level.
(a) Suggest two measures to manage the garbage we produce.
(b) As an individual, what can we do to generate the least garbage ? Give two points.
(c) List two values the teacher instilled in his students in this episode.
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