Money & Credit (C10)

Money as a medium of exchange; Modern forms of Money; Loan activities of Banks; Two different Credit situations; Terms of Credit; Formal Sector Credit in India; Self Help Groups for the Poor

Credit sometimes pushes the borrower into a situation

"Credit sometimes pushes the borrower into a situation from which recovery is very painful." Support the statement with examples.

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Bank plays an important role in the economic development of the country

"Bank plays an important role in the economic development of the country." Support the statement with examples.

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Why do banks and cooperative societies need to lend more

Why do banks and cooperative societies need to lend more? Explain.

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Why do we need to expand formal sources of credit in India

Why do we need to expand formal sources of credit in India? Explain.

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Why is it necessary to increase a large number of banks mainly in rural areas

Why is it necessary to increase a large number of banks mainly in rural areas ? Explain.

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Why are service conditions of formal sector loans better than informal sector

Why are service conditions of formal sector loans better than informal sector ? Explain.

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The credit activities of the informal sector should be discouraged

"The credit activities of the informal sector should be discouraged." Support the statement with arguments.

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Why is cheap and affordable credit important for the country’s development

Why is cheap and affordable credit important for the country’s development? Explain any three reasons.

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Amrita is a government employee and belongs to a rich urban household

Amrita is a government employee and belongs to a rich urban household whereas Rani works as a helper on a construction site and comes from a poor rural household. Both have a crisis at home and wish to take loan. Create a list of arguments explaining who between the two would successfully be able to get the loan from a formal source. Why?

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Explain Loan Activities Of Banks In India

Explain Loan Activities Of Banks In India?

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