NDA English
I am used to …… in queues
I am used to ………… in queues.
- stand
- standing
- stand up
- standing still
Once the …… manuscript is received by the publishers
Once the ………… manuscript is received by the publishers, it is typed in double space.
- total
- full
- complete
- filled
They gave a …… dinner to celebrate the occasion
They gave a …… dinner to celebrate the occasion, which impressed every guest.
- austere
- public
- sumptuous
- summary
The car was damaged beyond repair in the ……. accident
The car was damaged beyond repair in the …………. accident.
- outrageous
- ghastly
- nasty
- heinous
The tired traveler …… on in the hope of finding some resting place
The tired traveler ……… on in the hope of finding some resting place.
- strolled
- scurried
- paraded
- plodded
My most interesting visitor comes at night
My most interesting visitor comes at night, when the lights are still burning - a tiny bat who prefers to fly in through the open door and will use the window only if there is no alternative. His object in entering the house is to snap up the moths that cluster around the lamps. All the bats I have seen fly fairly high, keeping near the ceiling; but this particular bat flies in low, like a dive-bomber, zooming in and out of chair legs and under tables. Once, he passed straight between my legs. Has his radar gone wrong, I wondered, or is he just pain crazy?
Read more …The rule of the road means that in order
The rule of the road means that in order that the liberties of all may be preserved, the liberties of everybody must be curtailed. When the policeman, say, at a road-crossing steps into the middle of the road and puts out his hand, he is the symbol not of tyranny but of liberty. You have submitted to a curtailment of private liberty in order that you may enjoy a social order which makes your liberty a reality. We have both liberties to preserve - our individual liberty and our social liberty.
Read more …The Subsidiary Alliance system was extremely advantageous
S1 : The Subsidiary Alliance system was extremely advantageous to the British.
S6 : They controlled the defence and the foreign relations of the protected ally.
- P : They could now maintain a large army at the cost of Indian states.
- Q : if many war occurred in the territories
- R : either of the British ally or of the Britishers
- S : This enabled them a to fight wars far away from their own territories
This proper sequence should be
- P Q R S
- P S Q R
- Q R P S
- S R P Q
Give the benefit of doubt
Give the benefit of doubt
- To be partial to someone
- To be judgemental
- Regard someone as innocent until proven otherwise
- Say something exactly right
Don’t count your chickens before the eggs have hatched
Don’t count your chickens before the eggs have hatched
- If you are not good at something better to avoid that
- Don’t make plans for something that might not happen
- Not to come up to expectations
- Don’t put all your resources in one possibility
Devil’s advocate
Devil’s advocate
- A dangerous person
- To present a counter argument
- Very argumentative person
- Creating an unpleasant situation
Cut the mustard
Cut the mustard
- Prepare spices out of mustard seeds
- To come up to expectations
- Making absurd expectations
- Very enthusiastic
Cry over spilt milk
Cry over spilt milk
- Complaining about a loss in the past
- Too much inquisitive about something
- When something is done badly to save money
- Dealing with a problem only in an emergency situation
Frank Lloyd Wright has been acclaimed
Each question has a sentence with parts A, B and C. Read each sentence to find out whether there is an error in any part.
- Frank Lloyd Wright has been acclaimed
- by colleagues
- as the greater of all modern architects.
- No error
At the request of the Defence Attorney
Each question has a sentence with parts A, B and C. Read each sentence to find out whether there is an error in any part.
- At the request of the Defence Attorney,
- the jury were called
- and their individual verdicts were recorded.
- No error
The politician lost face in his constituency
Each question has a sentence with parts A, B and C. Read each sentence to find out whether there is an error in any part.
- The politician lost face in his constituency
- when he broke the pre-election promises
- he made to his people.
- No error
Antonym of Liquidate
The company was liquidated within five years.
- bankrupt
- closed down
- flourishing
- privatized
Antonym of Diversity
Cultural diversity in the working place is good for business.
- uniformity
- conformity
- identity
- similarity
Antonym of Likeness
There is no likeness between him and his brother.
- unlikeliness
- unlikelihood
- dissimilarity
- disaffinity
Antonym of Outgoing
Due to the postal strike, the outgoing mail got delayed.
- urgent
- incoming
- ordinary
- speedy
Antonym of Concerned
The party was excellent, and I would like to thank all the people concerned.
- cared
- attentive
- dependable
- uninvolved
Antonym of Geared
The country’s economy must be geared to wartime requirements.
- subordinated to
- related to
- adjusted to
- unlinked to
Synonym of Abundant
Abundant food was available for the soldiers in the mess.
- little
- plentiful
- delicious
- wholesome
Synonym of Fiscal
The government’s new policies will come into force from the next fiscal year.
- calendar
- academic
- financial
- leap
Synonym of Lavishly
He spends his money lavishly.
- hesitatingly
- generously
- foolishly
- carefully
Synonym of Interlocutor
The confusion on the interlocutor’s face was gratifying.
- government officer
- party worker
- dialogist
- revolutionary
Synonym of Improving
Weather conditions have been improving over the past few days.
- mending
- amending
- becoming better
- advancing
Synonym of Indissolubly
The growth and development of the peasant movement was indissolubly linked with the national struggle for freedom.
- firmly
- vaguely
- individually
- steadily
Synonym of Granted
A local court granted bail to the criminal on Thursday.
- confessed
- donated
- allowed
- yielded
Synonym of Deliver
The judge told that he would analyze the evidence and then deliver the verdict.
- liberate
- surrender
- transfer
- pronounce
Synonym of Attack
In India, it has become easy to attack cultural artefacts these days.
- beckon
- assault
- belch
- appreciate
Synonym of Sycophancy
I do not want you to lead a life of sycophancy as you did during the foreign rule.
- admiration
- love
- appreciation
- flattery
Synonym of Exhausted
At the end of the marathon everybody was EXHAUSTED.
- weakened
- honoured
- satisfied
- tired
Synonym of Repeal
The decision of the Union Government to REPEAL the Urban Land Ceiling Act has been welcomed by all.
- suppress
- amend
- cancel
- withhold
Synonym of Minute
The experts’ MINUTE examination brought to light some important clues.
- quick
- detailed
- superficial
- prolonged
Synonym of Meticulous
He is extremely METICULOUS in his approach.
- simple
- careful
- fair
- reasonable
Synonym of Drastic
We must adopt DRASTIC measures to control population growth.
- simple
- dramatic
- realistic
- severe
Synonym of Intimidate
The police officer tried to INTIMIDATE the witness but in vain.
- inform
- reward
- frighten
- persuade
Synonym of Candid
His candid opinions have won him many friends.
- kind
- courteous
- generous
- frank
Synonym of Acumen
Businessmen who lack acumen cannot be expected to be very successful.
- fairness
- sharpness
- boldness
- righteousness
Synonym of Indiscriminate
The police fired indiscriminately at the crowd, killing many innocent women and children.
- continuously
- without distinguishing
- foolishly
- rapidly
Synonym of Counter
Bad tendencies are to be countered by good ones until all that is evil disappears.
- Opposed
- balanced
- reduced
- bypassed
Synonym of Sever
It is unwise to sever diplomatic relations with a neighbouring country over small matters.
- engage
- estrange
- cut off
- twist
Antonym of Corroborate
The witness corroborated word for word the statement of the victim.
- accepted
- confirmed
- denied
- repeated
Antonym of Auspicious
The birth of his child decidedly proved to be an auspicious event in his life.
- precious
- ominous
- useless
- unforgettable
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