CAT Sentence Correction

CAT Sentence Correction

The appetite of banks for funds was lost under the onslaught

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The appetite of banks for funds was lost under the onslaught of the slowdown, corporates refused to borrow even as bank deposits flourished.

  1. bank deposits flourished
  2. bank deposits swelled
  3. bank deposits flummoxed
  4. bank deposits were enhanced

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The MP rose up to say that in her opinion

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The MP rose up to say that in her opinion, she thought the Women’s Reservation Bill should be passed on unanimously.

  1. rose up to say that, the Women’s Reservation Bill should be passed on
  2. rose to say that she thought the Women’s Reservation Bill should be passed
  3. rose to say that, in her opinion, the Women’s Reservation Bill should be passed on
  4. rose to say that, in her opinion, she thought that the Women’s Reservation Bill should be passed

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Many people mistake familiarity for a vulgar style

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Many people mistake familiarity for a vulgar style, and suppose that to write without affectation is to write at random speed.

  1. is to do speed writing
  2. is to write fast
  3. is to write randomly
  4. is to write at random

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It must be noticed that under no circumstance should the company

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It must be noticed that under no circumstance should the company go in for diversification.

  1. It should be noticed
  2. It must be pointed out
  3. It must be noted
  4. It must be noticed

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Bacon believes that the medical profession should be permitted

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Bacon believes that the medical profession should be permitted to ease and quicken death where the end would otherwise only delay for a few days and at the cost of great pain.

  1. be delayed for a few days
  2. otherwise only delay for a few days and
  3. be delayed for a few days and
  4. be otherwise only delayed for a few days and

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