In a trapezium ABCD, AB is parallel to CD and the diagonals

In a trapezium ABCD, AB is parallel to CD and the diagonals intersect each other at O. What is the ratio of OA to OC equal to?

  1. Ratio of OB to OD
  2. Ratio of BC to CD
  3. Ratio of AD to AB
  4. Ratio of AC to BD


The diagonals are transversals, so the following angles are equal:

∠BAO = ∠DCO and ∠ABD = ∠CDO. Thus by AA, the triangles ABO and CDO are similar.

Theorem: Given a trapezium ABCD with parallel sides AB and CD, let O be the intersection of the diagonals AC and BD. If the ratio r = AB/CD, then the diagonals are divided by this same ratio: AO/CO = BO/DO = r. Since the triangles ABO and CDO are similar, then these are ratios of corresponding sides.

The correct option is A.